Version number of Deployed Project

When deployed the Oracle SOA Project with 2 different version numbers(eg 1.0 & 2.0) . it will append the version number
for the old version( ie 1.0)

if the project name is Transactions ,and when we check the WSDL in the em for that project ,its like this :
Transactions[1.0] –>!1.0*soa_ebfd70ad-f584-422f-b34f-5033e40b56de/bpeladding_client_ep?WSDL

Transactions[2.0] –>

for the older version ,the version number is appended in the wsdl

Error while Configuring the domain “Configure JDBC Component Schema”

Recently,i tried to install oracle soa 11g in 64 bit windows 7 (i love linux though ) .Everything went fine,but when configuring the domain for weblogic server,at step  “Configure JDBC Component Schema” ,i got an error like this :
1. BAM Schema- Failed
2. SOA Infrastructure-Failed
3. User Messaging Service-Failed
4. OWSM MDS Schema-Failed
5. SOA MDS Schema-Failed

Component Schema=BAM Schema
SQL Test=select 1 from schema_version_registry where owner=(select user from dual) and mr_type=’BAM’ and version=’′

CFGFWK-60850: Test Failed!
CFGFWK-60853: A connection was established to the database but no rows were returned from the test SQL statement.

Component Schema=SOA Infrastructure
SQL Test=select 1 from schema_version_registry where owner=(select user from dual) and mr_type=’SOAINFRA’ and version=’′

CFGFWK-60850: Test Failed!
CFGFWK-60853: A connection was established to the database but no rows were returned from the test SQL statement.

This is most irritating error developers face while installing the software. I tried many different ways,and atlast with some deep thinking i came up with a solution.
Open the sql developer and connect the respective Schema User .First i will connect to
1. Now i used the query
  select * from schema_version_registry;
to see the data in the table and figured out that there is a mismatch as the version in the table is less than the version it is comparing.
2. So i dropped the table
drop table schema_version_registry;
3. Then i created a new table and inserted a row :
create table schema_version_registry(owner varchar2(30),mr_type varchar2(10),version varchar2(50));

insert into schema_version_registry(owner,mr_type,version)values(‘DEV_SOAINFRA’,’SOAINFRA’,’′);
4. Finally committed it.
Repeat the same step for other users as well . change the “mr_type” accordingly
And most important while doing the same for DEV_MDS you need to  give the user admin rights like this:
select username from dba_users;
grant DBA to DEV_MDS;
then simply give this query :
update schema_version_registry set version=’′; where owner= ‘dev_mds’;

Thats all . All the best 🙂

Weblogic Server Development Mode Vs Production Mode

While configuring any Weblogic domain the there are two modes the domain can be configured with.

– Development Mode

– Production Mode

The question is how to decide which mode to use:

Let’s say you are developing your applications. The process will involve multiple redeployments to the server. In this case you would wish for a relaxed security configuration on the server. Also you would wish for features like auto deployment of your code. In such scenarios use the Development Mode.

Now consider you got your application working right, ready to go live. In this mode you would definitely wish for a full fledged security. Consider using the Production Mode here.

The differences between the two modes are stated below:

1.       SSL

-In development mode you can use the demonstration digital certificates and the demonstration keystores provided by the WebLogic Server security services. With these certificates, you can design your application to work within environments secured by SSL .

-where as in Production Mode you should not use the demonstration digital certificates and the demonstration keystores. If you do so, a warning message is displayed.

2.       Application Deployment

In Development Mode WebLogic Server instances can automatically deploy and update applications that reside in the domain_name/autodeploy directory (where domain_name is the name of a domain)

-where as in Production Mode the auto-deployment feature is disabled, so you must use the WebLogic Server Administration Console, the weblogic Deployer tool, or the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

3.   Lock And Edit Feature

-In Development Mode any configuration change being done by a user doesn’t need him to take a Lock and Edit session.

– where as in Production Mode the user needs to procure a Lock and Edit session before trying to make any configurational changes.

Important Considerations:

– It is recommended that this method be used only in a single-server development environment.

-You can always switch the domain startup mode from Development to Production and Vice Versa

-Oracle recommends usage of JRockit(Oracle JVM Product) instead of Sun JDK in Production Mode. This recommendation depends on platform on which your domain runs. For platforms like Solaris Sun JDK is recommended even in Production Mode. JRockit works well on opensource os platforms.